Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Casting Call: Bondage

It doesn't happen often but occasionally I get commissioned for work by someone other than the model / client. This is one such time.

I'm looking for a female model interested in nude modeling in a (light) bondage scenario. The client will be selecting the model themselves from a small pool of models I present to them. You do NOT have to be a "bondage model" to be perfect for this gig. The requirements for the model are:

  • No tattoos or large scars
  • Minimal to no body hair
  • "Excellent" body -- fit and lean
  • 20's - 30's preferred
There will be rope and handcuffs involved but this is to be a PAIN FREE shoot. No humiliation, degradation, pain or distress (simulated or real).

Photos from the shoot will be licensed to the client without the rights for resale or public display -- they cannot be published in print or distributed over the Internet.

If you're interested in modeling for this position please email me and include your rate requirements, information about yourself, and some snapshots of yourself. Thank you!

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